
Willem Schüttler is our new Project Engineer!

06 September 2024

Starting in September, 2024, Willem Schüttler is VIBES’ latest addition as a Project Engineer. Below is further information about him.

About me

My name is Willem and I’m from Atlanta in the US. About 5 years ago after my studies I moved to Munich and haven’t looked back since. I like to ski and cook nice meals for family and friends.

About my background and education

After completing my Bachelor’s and Master’s in Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech I worked as a researcher at the Technical University of Munich with a focus on multiphysics modeling of cardiovascular disease.

As an engineer, I enjoy numerical modeling and, in particular, experiment-augmented modeling of mechanical systems.

About my role at VIBES

I will be working as a Project Engineer in Munich, helping to consult our industry clients and further develop the VIBES software suite. I’m very much looking forward to delving deeper into the world of acoustics and system dynamics.

On behalf of the team:

Welcome Willem!