
Meet our new Research Engineer: Steven Klaassen

20 November 2020

Fresh out of his Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions PhD programme at the TU Munich, Steven started November 2020 at VIBES as a R&D Engineer. We asked Steven to introduce himself.

About me

Hi, I’m Steven Klaassen, a 30 years old Dutchie cultivated in the Delft area. Aside from my healthy passion for dynamics, I love cooking, skiing and the occasional festival.

The road to VIBES

I came into contact with VIBES in the beginning of 2017 through Dennis de Klerk, who was my Master thesis mentor through my period at ASML. The relationship started at that time with a collaboration on a scientific paper on my thesis results. It was through Dennis and VIBES that I became a PhD candidate at the TU Munich, in Rixen’s chair of applied mechanics.

My background

My educational background fits well in the field VIBES operates in; I did both the bachelor and masters of mechanical engineering in Delft, specialising in Control engineering and Engineering Dynamics. I followed that up with a three year PhD programme: the Horizon 2020 research and innovations programme Expertise, which focussed on solving high computing and experimental problems related to Structural dynamic problems on turbine applications. My focus in that was linear joint identification using experimental dynamic substructuring. I hope to successfully defend by dissertation in 2021.

My role at VIBES

As a Research Engineer at VIBES I will bring the academic to the practical: Here, I will work on both researching and implementing robust solutions for short-term practical challenges, as well as providing answers to long-term innovation questions. To that end, I will work practically in our consultancy projects and academically in our continuing collaboration with BMW and the TUM in the Eurostar project.