MATLAB uses functions like clear, close and clc to respectively clear all workspace variables, close all open figures and clear the command window. With the VIBES Toolbox, this can be performed all at once by calling the function clean.
Almost all VIBES Toolbox methods and classes are found under the so-called “package” vibes. MATLAB offers tab auto-completion on this package, which means that one can query the options by typing vibes. and pressing TAB.
Press TAB to auto-complete
The VIBES Toolbox has a comprehensive documentation center which consists of class and function documentation, as well as tutorials and examples. You can get quickly to the VIBES documentation by typing:
Other good starting points are the commands vibes.toolbox or vibes.demo, which will show all available tutorials and help locations, and vibes.ver, which shows an overview of the licensed products within the VIBES Toolbox, including options to request, set or reset a license file.
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