By right-clicking in the white space within a plot (not on the curve itself), you can choose whether or not to show the legend. Once the legend is displayed, right-clicking in the white space again allows you to set the legend position and text format.
As default, the legend shows the name of the dataset. If you want to plot, for example, the operational spectra and the component TPA synthesis of the same dataset in the same graph to compare them, the legend will show the same name, without making a distinction possible, as shown in the following figure.
Example of unclear legend
In this case, you can decide to change the information the legend is displaying using tags. To do so you must right-click on the white area around a curve and select Legend Label Format and a new window will appear. Here you can write the correct tag, between curly brackets. by typing { you can preview the all the available tags, which are the following:
Additional (less used) tags are the following:
The legend can also show the channels, which are defined as the rows:
The legend can also show the columns, which correspond to the time blocks or the ref-channels. The tags are similar to the ones used for the rows, replacing “Row” with “Column”.
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