Calculating TPA syntheses


Calculate Blocked Forces

To compute the TPA syntheses in multiple receivers, you need Blocked Forces. You can calculate Blocked Forces in SOURCE, using the following methods:

  • In-situ method: see instructions at this link.
  • Direct Force method: see instructions at this link.

Import receiver(s) FRF/NTF

To calculate the TPA syntheses at the target sensors, SOURCE needs the FRF/NTF of the receivers. We recommend importing a DIRAC project (if available) because it gives the most efficient workflow and unlocks additional functionalities.

To import a DIRAC project containing FRF/NTF, complete the following steps:

  1. Drag and drop the file into the FRF Data card. The import dialog will appear.
  2. Select the correct FRF/NTF from the FRF matrices‘ list.
  3. Press OK.

If you did not use DIRAC to measure the FRF/NTF, you can import ATFX and MAT files. To import the data, complete the steps at this link.

In the import dialog, you can perform additional steps. We recommend to:

  1. Select the geometries you want to import.
  2. Automatically map the channels to the Masters, checking Auto-map to Master Channels.
  3. Edit the channel type in the Channel Type Mapping window.

Set up channels

Before starting the calculation, you need to correctly set up the channels. In particular, you have to:

  • Add the target channels to the Masters.
  • Map the channels to the Masters.
  • Set the correct channel type.

Define Master Channels

The first step when setting up the channels consists of adding the target channels to the Masters.

To set them as masters, complete the next steps:

  1. Go to the FRF Data module.
  2. Click on the Channel Mapping icon.
  3. Select on the left the channels that should be set as Masters.
  4. Right-click on them.
  5. Select Add to Master Channels.

If this step is performed correctly, the channels will turn green. Numbers will also appear in the Mapped to column.

Map channels to the Masters

If the channels were not mapped automatically to the Masters during the import, it is necessary to map them.

To map the channels to the masters, complete the next steps:

  1. Go to the FRF Data module.
  2. Click on the Channel Mapping icon.
  3. Select the receiver FRFs from the list.
  4. Select on the left the channels that should be set as Masters.
  5. Right-click on them.
  6. Select Add to Master Channels.

If this step is performed correctly, the channels will turn green. Numbers will also appear in the Mapped to column.

Set the correct channel type

The next step consists of setting the correct channel type. For this type of analysis, you need to set the following types:

  • Virtual Point channels: set as Forces.
  • Channels to use for the syntheses: set as Targets.

To change the channel type, complete the next steps:

  1. Click on the Channels icon.
  2. In the Master channels column (on the right side), select the channel(s) to be edited.
  3. Right-click on it/them.
  4. Select Set Channel Type.
  5. Select the correct type.

Set Test Assemblies

Test assemblies are a key feature when calculating Blocked Forces with one setup and using them for TPA synthesis in other target assemblies. They are used to define which data of the analysis should be used for characterization and which for the TPA syntheses.

To set test assemblies correctly, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Operational Data module.
  2. Select the operational datasets that are used for the analysis.
  3. In the Test Assembly field, type a code (e.g. TA-01).
  4. Go to the FRF Data module.
  5. Select the FRF dataset that is used for the Blocked Forces calculation (characterization FRF).
  6. In the Test Assembly field, type the same code used for the operationals (e.g. TA-01).
  7. Select the FRF datasets that are used for the syntheses.
  8. In the Test Assembly field, type a different code (e.g. TA-02)

Calculate TPA syntheses

The last step consists of calculating the TPA syntheses. You do not need to create a new analysis, but you can use the one you made for calculating the Blocked Forces. This is the case if you have correctly set up the Test assemblies as explained in the paragraph above.

To calculate the TPA syntheses, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Analyze module.
  2. Click on the already created analysis to select it.
  3. Click on FRF Data in the Inputs card.
  4. Select the FRF data you want to use for the syntheses.
  5. Click on the calculator symbol next to your analysis, to compute it.

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