1 Why use Virtual Points?

Virtual Point (VP) is an interface used to connect components that allows the engineer to build up, for example, a full-vehicle model. The point is “virtual” because typically it cannot be measured directly. By placing sensors around the VP and by assuming the local region behaves rigidly, DIRAC transforms the measured data as if it were measured at the VP.

The Virtual Point includes both translational and rotational degrees of freedom data, which traditionally is impossible to obtain. The transformation also gives valuable insights into the quality of the measured data and the resulting FRF model. Force impacts are transformed similarly.

A truly modular engineering approach requires exact and well-defined interfaces between components. Using traditional (software) products, engineers cannot perform measurements within the interface between two components. Our unique Virtual Point Transformation changes this:

  • Measurement data is transformed as if it were measured at the exact interface location.
  • It allows measuring FRFs in 6 Degrees of Freedom (DoFs), including rotations, rather than only translations in 3-DoF.
  • Rotational degrees of freedom are crucial to include at higher frequencies, e.g. generated by electric drivelines, because they can have a high contribution to the overall transfer and resulting sound levels.

Accurate and reliable Virtual Point FRFs created with DIRAC are key to successful sound & vibration engineering and are crucial to perform advanced analyses such as Dynamic Substructuring or Blocked Force source characterization.

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