The graphing card contains several diagrams that show the following information:
Useful keyboard commands are provided in 2.3 Keyboard commands.
In the following video, useful tips and tricks on plotting are shown.
Plot presets can be saved to allow you to easily maneuver between, for example, a low-frequency view, a higher frequency view, and a full-bandwidth on a logarithmic scale. When the desired plot settings are in place, right-click on the desired preset button (1, 2, or 3) in the upper right and press Save Current View. The presets can then be accessed using the corresponding number keys.
A context-menu action is available on the graphs to “pin” certain axes. Unpinned axes will rescale whenever data selection is changed. Pinned axes will preserve their scaling and are recognized by the pin icon.
If multiple excitation sources are used, a checkbox Show cross-fading becomes visible above the FRF graphs. When activated, parts of the spectra that are filtered out are omitted from the graph. This prevents unnecessary cluttering of the graphing axes. Note that the checkbox toggles previewing only; the calculations are not affected by its state.
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