3.1 Modules & campaigns

The DIRAC user interface is orientated around modules. Modules can be seen as the currently shown page within DIRAC. They are accessible through the tabs on the top bar. For a description of each module, refer to their respective chapters:

Within DIRAC, there are two types of “campaigns”. Measurement campaigns allow to measure using a Müller-BBM PAK MKII-gen2 system and come with all the benefits of the live measurement connection. Import campaigns to import FRF measurement data acquired using another data acquisition system and exported to ATFX-file(s). Design of experiments and VP analysis can be done in either campaign type, as shown in the diagram below.

The FRF measurements can be done directly in DIRAC, using a Measurement campaign with the Measure module. Alternatively, the FRF measurements can be done using other software and then imported into DIRAC using an Import campaign with the Data module. See the flowchart in the following figure that summarizes the campaign and module options.

Workflow of test-based modeling.

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