5.5 Measurement control: hardware card

The Hardware card shows circle diagrams or level bars for every input channel, reflecting the live amplitudes of incoming signals. Both examples are shown in the following figures. For convenience, they can be grouped per sensor type and/or Virtual Point. Unmapped channels can be shown or hidden.

Signal amplitudes shown as circle diagrams

Signal amplitudes shown as level bars

Auto-zero channels

Channels are auto-zeroed by right-clicking in the Hardware card and selecting Auto-zero all Channels. It is recommended to auto-zero all channels any time new equipment is connected, when coming back from coffee breaks, or any other unattended interval.

Pausing measurement

Once the DAQ is connected, the measurement is automatically set to active such that the DAQ is ready for a trigger. The measurement can be paused by pressing the Pause Measurement within the Hardware card. The key command for this is F10. The status is shown in the taskbar.

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