7.4 Validate

The Validate card has been updated to include three panes, allowing for better optimization of the data that goes into the test-based model.

Note that measurements are not shown in an import campaign, as the individual impacts are not included.


The individual measurements are shown for whichever matrix column is selected (corresponding to a specific impact location). This option is only available when the measurement matrix contains raw data in whichever column is selected (no VP transformation).

Individual measurements can be included and excluded from the calculation, and the effect is immediately visible in the matrix. Individual measurements can also be deleted or starred here.

Measurements pane in the Validate Module

Response Consistency

The overall response consistency is shown for all channels related to the specific Virtual Point corresponding to the selection in the Matrix Viewer. The consistency for other Virtual Points can be reviewed using the drop-down menu, as shown in the figure.

Response Consistency pane in the Validate Module

This provides quick diagnostics in the rigidity of the Virtual Points. A dropping trend at higher frequencies may indicate a loss of rigidity, while low values at certain DoF are a typical indicator of a sensor’s incorrect placement/orientation.

The individual channels can be disabled from participating in the VP transformation. As a result, the channel itself will typically get lower consistency. This needs to be used with care because higher consistency does not always mean a better model.

Note that the frequency selection of the measurement matrix also applies to the consistency bars and can thus be used to assess the frequency-dependency of the consistency.

The consistency values are calculated for the full frequency range of the measurement.

If you lock the frequency ranges of all analyses with the FL button in the Graphing card, the consistencies are evaluated for the frequency range specified in the Matrix overview or Graphing card.

Force Consistency

The overall force consistency is shown for all channels related to the specific Virtual Point corresponding to the selection in the Matrix Viewer. The consistency for other Virtual Points can be reviewed using the drop-down menu, as shown in the figure.

Force Consistency pane in the Validate Module

All notes about response consistency also apply to the force consistency, but for the impacts rather than sensors.

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    The supported file type is .txt.
    Note: The maximum file size is 100kb. If your file is larger than the set limit, please send us an email at support@vibestechnology.com with the file in attachment.
