9.1 Export options

A list of file format types available for export is shown below. The export of instrumentation generally includes information on the position/orientation of excitations, sensors, Virtual Points, and geometries.

To export a custom selection of FRF channels to ATFX and MAT, the matrices must be active in the matrix preset buttons. See Measurement matrix for instructions on how to create a preset with a custom selection of channels.

ASAM-ODS ATFX (.atfx)MATLAB (.mat)Excel (.xlsx)Universal File Format (.uff)
Time Blocksxx

Instrumentation includes information (position, orientation, etc.) about sensors, impacts, Virtual Points, and all the channels.

Note: UFF export

 When exporting to the UFF format, all the text fields are limited to the maximum length of each individual specification. For the text fields Response Entity Name and Reference Entity Name (called Channels in DIRAC), the maximum number of characters allowed is 10. When the channel names are longer than 10 characters, they need to be shortened. This is done automatically during the DIRAC export in the following way:

  • For the excitations, the word “Excitation” will be replaced with “Exc”. For example, the channel “Excitation 11” will be shortened to “Exc 11”.
  • For the other channels, the names that are longer than 10 characters will be converted to PascalCase. For example, the string “VP1 Force X” will be automatically converted to “Vp1ForceX”.
    If the channel name is still too long after PascalCase conversion, it will be shortened to 10 characters and the Channel-ID will be added at the end to guarantee uniqueness. For example, “EPS CP1 Right” will become “EpsCp1Ri#7”.

Exporting FRFs to Excel XLSX-format

In the FRFs export in XLSX-format, you can define advanced options:

  • Edit the metadata and header info using text or project variables, accessed by pressing {.
  • Add and remove rows.
  • Select the values you are interested in (e.g. Magnitude, Phase, etc.)

To access the advanced options, complete the next steps:

  1. Click on the Export button.
  2. Select Excel (.xlsx).
  3. Press Next.
  4. Click on the white arrow in the middle of the page.

Advanced Options for the Excel export

DIRAC will create a separate worksheet for each exported dataset.

You can also save your export settings for the advanced options as templates.

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    The supported file type is .txt.
    Note: The maximum file size is 100kb. If your file is larger than the set limit, please send us an email at support@vibestechnology.com with the file in attachment.
