2.2 DIRAC v4.1

DIRAC v4.1.8

22 November 2023

  • Fixed a crash caused by a race condition in Virtual Point transformation card.

DIRAC v4.1.7

02 November 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug related to coordinates of imported ATFX files.
  • Fixed a bug related to naming of exported presets

DIRAC v4.1.6

31 October 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug about modal datasets not being exported if other FRF matrices are selected.
  • Fixed a bug related to matrix reciprocity postprocessing option.
  • Fixed an issue related to application freezing during project geometry load.

DIRAC v4.1.5

21 September 2023

Performance improvements

  • Improved loading performance on large projects.
  • Improved performance when changing frequency while ODS is active.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug related to displayed range in window settings graph.

Other changes

  • Increased notification display time.

DIRAC v4.1.4

06 September 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug which prevented the user from importing a sensor database which contains multiple of the same instance of calibration quantity.
  • Fixed a bug related to loading an import campaign containing virtual point channels.

DIRAC v4.1.3

28 August 2023

PAK cloud

  • It is now possible to specify Project, Test and Subtitle during upload.
  • The DIRAC project follows the PAK structure and will be found in the PAK cloud under the specified project, test and subtitle.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug related to frequency linking when changing phase or quality graphs.
  • Fixed a bug related to restricted access to user data folder.

Other changes

  • Fixed a problem with incompatible assemblies registered in GAC on client machine.
  • The rendering size of a sensor is not limited to max 100mm anymore.
  • The default format for exporting the sensor database is changed to .db.

DIRAC v4.1.2

21 August 2023


  • The Nyquist plot is now able to show or hide the selected FRF, residue-fitted FRF and synthesized FRF. Similar to the Graphing card.
  • It is now possible to configure AC-filter-frequence in channel settings.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug related to canceling moving a sensor in 3D viewer and changing of properties.
  • Fixed a bug related to undoing multiple objects at once.
  • Fixed a bug related to mounting -90 or 90 degree angle of excitations.
  • Fixed a bug related to selected calibration units on custom sensor.
  • Fixed a bug related to calibration factors of instances in sensor database.

Other changes
A change of EMA settings will now be recognized as a change in the project and the user will be asked to save the project on close.

DIRAC v4.1.1

9 August 2023

Complex modes in EMA
It is now possible to select between Normal (real) modes or Complex Modes in the settings of EMA. When Complex Modes is selected, a new column is added in the Modes list which shows the Modal Phase Collinearity (MPC) of complex-valued modes in percentage, or n/a for normal (real) modes.

Exporting is generalized and dependent on the selected mode model type in the Settings panel:

  • Residue Model – real or complex residue data model.
  • Mode Model – real or complex mode model.


Drive Point
DIRAC EMA now has the option to apply a drive point strategy to obtain normalized mode shapes and residues that contain all input (impact-reference channels) and output (sensor-channels) DoFs. There are two options: single-point and a VP-based drive point strategy. The normalization works with both real and complex modes, and works with both single-mode models and residue models. The obtained results can be exported to Matlab as part of the EMA models already present for exporting.


DIRAC EMA now contains a new card holding a Nyquist diagram. This Nyquist diagram showcases the original FRF and the FRFs resulting from the latest Modal Analysis executed. The graph can be controlled through a frequency overview slider which contains a CMIF of each FRF in the Nyquist graph.


Plotting poles against damping in the stabilization diagram
It is now possible to plot poles against damping in the stabilization diagram. This is achieved by right-clicking on the stabilization diagram and selecting Plot poles against.


Improved pole selection
DIRAC now makes a more accurate pole selection. These poles are grouped based on similarity in frequency and from within this group the best pole is automatically selected. This selection is based on absolute frequency and relative damping tolerance (these are automatically determined unless provided). Each selection is group-based ie: A new selected pole deselects any other selected pole within this group.


Editable modal parameters
Frequency and damping values of a mode can now be edited in the modes card.


Added key interactions

  • CTRL – F5: Reruns the entire calculation based on chosen settings.
  • F5: Rerun calculation from last valid result.
  • PG Up/PG Down: Cycle through identified modes.
  • Alt + Spacebar: Start selected mode animation.


Windowing Settings
It is now possible to specify different window settings for each excitation source.


Sensor database update
It is now possible to add multiple channels to a sensor as well as define the measurement axis, quantity and calibration for each channel.


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug related to updated VP name in Measure module.
  • Fixed a bug related to naming of excitations when updating a project from version 3.3.
  • Fixed a bug related to the name of sensors when updating a project from an older version.
  • Fixed a bug where it was not possible to type values 1, 2, 3 or 4 in the frequency limits of the matrix view.
  • Fixed a bug related to updating consistency values on changing of frequency range in Analyze.
  • Fixed an issue related to displayed unit on hovering over a cell in the matrix viewer.
  • Fixed a crash related to the visible range in the graphing of Measure module.
  • Fixed the path of a dataset in the Matlab export of EMA.
  • Fixed a bug related to the axis label of consistency graph in Analyze.
  • Fixed an issue related to importing matrix with post-processing from a DIRAC project into SOURCE.
  • Fixed a bug related to copy empty cells in list mode.
  • Fixed a bug related to duplicate entries in matrix channel filter.
  • Fixed a bug related to authentication in PAK cloud.
  • Fixed a crash related to crossfade filter calculation.
  • Fixed a crash with graph presets on an excitation without measurements.


Other changes:

  • Improved memory consumption for sensors and channels.
  • It is now possible to define the calibration value in pC/m/s² or pC/g for charge sensors.
  • When changing a license, DIRAC will now load the last project on restart.
  • On deletion of an excitation source all related measurements will be deleted after approval.
  • Improved speed of placing a sensor in 3D viewer for large .STL files.
  • Table header in list mode stays on top when scrolling a big list of sensors.
  • Adapt libraries to .net6 to future-proof application and remove deprecated libraries.

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    The supported file type is .txt.
    Note: The maximum file size is 100kb. If your file is larger than the set limit, please send us an email at support@vibestechnology.com with the file in attachment.
