24 February 2023
14 December 2022
18 November 2022
2 November 2022
Starred measurements for Automatic Measurement Selection (AMS)
It is now possible to select certain measurements as a base measurement in Measure. This is done by selecting the Star icon in the measurement card. Every other measurement is then compared to this base measurement and the similarity is calculated.
Other changes
Bug fixes
29 September 2022
DIRAC v3.4 comes with significant new features that simplify and assist in the tasks of measurement preparation and measurement execution. Details of these changes, as well as the smaller changes and bug fixes can be found below.
Automatic Measurement Selection (AMS) DIRAC now has the ability to automatically select and deselect measurements, called Automatic Measurement Selection, or in short AMS. This capability relies on computations of measurement similarity, based on the coherence of every possible pair of measurements within a single excitation point. As a result, AMS will be able to suggest 2 or more measurements that together maximize the coherence on that excitation point. The outcome is subject to a minimum similarity threshold, an optional maximum amount of measurements and a frequency range to focus on.
The AMS controls are found in the Impact Locations card in Measure. At first, the user sees one AMS preset named “AMS”, which is already configured for quick use. The user can choose to add multiple presets to suit their needs, by clicking on the icon to the right of the presets.
AMS is able to be run in three operational states:
The user can configure the settings of an AMS preset by clicking the drop-down menu; all settings are saved in the DIRAC project.
The user has the ability to exclude certain measurements from the AMS calculation by right-clicking on the measurement and selecting Exclude this measurement from AMS.
Add an additional excitation source during measurement It is now possible for a user to map extra excitation sources mid-measurement. There are two possible scenarios when assigning mid-measurement in the DAQ wizard of DIRAC:
Separate selection for VP response and reference DoF It is now possible to configure separate DoF types for response and reference for a specific VP, i.e. the rows and columns of a VP FRF matrix, respectively. One may also sync/unsync reference and response DoFs of specific VPs, so they are kept similar. All this can be done in the Virtual Point section of Prepare when in List mode, as well as in the Properties widget of the VP in question in 3D mode.
Force VP calculation To support Virtual Point measurement campaigns with force gauges, it is now possible to assign Virtual Points to custom sensors such as force sensors. If DIRAC sees that force sensors have been assigned to a VP, it will create VP force response DoFs instead of VP acceleration response DoFs. The VP transformation will be calculated differently for VP force responses, as forces are additive in the meaning of response channels (forces may be added together, accelerations not).
Renewed Virtual Point Transformation card The VP Quality card has been reworked into a new VP Tansformation card to better highlight information relevant to the design of experiment.
VP conditioning now exists on the left side of the card, showing a list of VPs, along with their corresponding overall condition numbers for both Responses and References (forces). It also gives an overview of the amount of sensors channels / excitation points associated with that VP. Three buttons are available above the table:
On the right hand side, the contribution matrix is shown for the selected VP. One may toggle between Response and Force using the buttons above. The desired VP may be changed through the drop-down menu in the contribution title.
Modify excitation names using customizable templates Similar to sensor channels, it is now possible to set excitation naming templates using tokens, such as VirtualPoint, Direction or Index. This is done by either double-clicking on the excitation name, or right-clicking on the excitation name and selecting Set naming template. It is then possible to name excitation by either typing in a new excitation name, or by pressing the { key to open a drop-down menu and selecting the desired variables. A name can be a combination of both tokens, and text.
UFF with Local Coordinate System When exporting in the UFF format, The UFF file now has coordinate systems defined in the Universal File Format UFF-18. This gives DIRAC the ability to specify the orientation of sensors in their local coordinate system by referencing them directly in that coordinate system.
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