DIRAC allows you to work with the M-BBM PAK Cloud. You can upload and download DIRAC projects directly from the PAK Cloud.

Downloading projects to the PAK Cloud

To download a DIRAC project from the PAK Cloud, complete the next steps:

  1. Press the 3 dots icon  in the top right corner.
  2. Select Open from PAK Cloud. A new window will open.
  3. Authenticate if necessary and go back to DIRAC.
  4. In the new DIRAC dialog, select the desired project.
  5. Press OK.

Uploading projects to the PAK Cloud

To upload a DIRAC project to the PAK Cloud, complete the next steps:

  1. Press the 3 dots icon  in the top right corner.
  2. Select Save to PAK Cloud. A new window will open.
  3. Authenticate if necessary and go back to DIRAC.
  4. In the new DIRAC dialog, select the correct Depot and type the correct file name.
  5. Press OK.

    Contact us for more VIBES

    Contact our support team or call us on +31 85 822 50 49

    The supported file type is .txt.
    Note: The maximum file size is 100kb. If your file is larger than the set limit, please send us an email at support@vibestechnology.com with the file in attachment.
